
Born 1990, Augusta, Georgia
Lives and works in Western Massachusetts

Faculty, Department of Art Studio
Mount Holyoke College

MFA 2016, Time Based & Interactive Media
University of Pennsylvania

BFA 2012, Painting
Rhode Island School of Design

Artist Statement

My life-sized intermedia installations include terrain, upcycled objects, computer-aided design (CAD) and hand-crafted supports. I construct custom electronics within this system that function as sensors, projectors and receivers. Often filling industrial spaces, my work functions like a networked garden brimming with evidence of past growth, decay, and the tools that help us trace it. The evolving and eroding systems in these environmental installations produce situations that disrupt traditional narratives and point to our interconnected relationships with the land and each other.

Selected Press

Selected Awards

Community Foundation of the CSRA


Selected Collections

Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate